How much PROTEIN is necessary?

Do I need to buy protein powder? What is the difference between Whey and Casein? How much should I take?
These are just a few of the many questions surrounding post-workout nutrition and general daily protein supplement and food intake.
Often i hear the statement "All the gear and no idea"! This is not in the fitness world just relating to weight lifting belts and wrist straps etc, also towards the millions who take pre workouts and shakes without no awareness of what they are really consuming and why. I have always given myself a 20 minute window after exercise to consume the correct nutrients to replenish my body. I describe the process to my clients like this.....If you was to drive your car a 200 mile journey, revving in the red putting the vehicle through a real beasting and noticing now the fuel light is flashing at the end of your journey. Would you think its ok to put cola into the tank and expect if to perform as well as it should next time you get in to drive?! We look after our car correctly and put in the correct fuel when required, so why not treat our bodies with the same respect?
Reason 1
Muscle Protein Synthesis, or MPS, which is already elevated because of resistance training. MPS can also be further elevated with the administration of the amino acids in protein.
More MPS Elevation = More Protein Absorption = More Muscle
Reason 2
The second reason for consuming protein after a workout is to spike insulin levels. Insulin is the storage hormone that shuttles glucose and amino acids into muscle tissue. More importantly, insulin is the hormone that inhibits cortisol. Insulin is going to diminish the exercise-induced stress as well and prevent further breakdown.
To conclude, post-workout protein shifts the body from a catabolic state, into an anabolic one. It does so not only by delivering amino acids that elevate MPS and insulin, but also by inhibiting MPB (muscle protein breakdown) and cortisol.
Supplementation i have found over the years can be extremely helpful wether its been for the convenience of flushing the correct nutrients into my body straight after exercise, to working numerous hours back to back on the gym floor and needing to fuel my body, not having the time to sit down and eat a chicken breast!
Always CAN NOT beat whole foods! Supplements serve a purpose, but whole foods are key!
Eat and Train smart!