My top nutrition tips
I might be teaching some of you to suck eggs with this post but I can't stress enough how important it is to do the following... No excuses!
1. Eat breakfast. Good balance of protein, carbs and fats of course... step away from the toast.
2. Drink lots of water. I like to add green tea to my bottle to mix things up.
3. Eat small meals regularly.
4. Do your meal prep. Cook up your lunch the night before and think about what you are having for the entire week and prepare.
5. If you need to snack, opt for protein. A bit of cooked chicken always does the trick.
6. Eat more veg. The greener the better.
7. Eat protein with every meal. I think I have said this already but seriously, this is what is going to keep you lean.
8. Keep a food diary. Write it all down.
9. Everything in moderation. Life is boring without some sweetness but moderate the chocolate, alcohol, fat...
10. Cut down on caffeine. I like a black coffee and to be honest, I sometimes can't go a day without a cup but I don't go overboard. Try and have no more than three cups of tea of coffee a day and if it is tea - try and drink green tea (and avoid milk!)